Abakus is the foundation of the founders of Avast, Pavel Baudiš and Eduard Kučera, that brings tools for positive change to Czech society.


We take a complex look at problems and challenges, trying to find solutions together with experts who provide us with important insights into their fields.

Pilot programme

Palliative care in residential care facilities for the elderly

Introducing palliative care will make nursing homes a true home for their clients until the very end.

We finance comprehensive programmes with the ambition to create a network of nursing homes able to provide holistic care for people at the end of life in an environment they are familiar with and to further share the acquired know-how.

Palliative care practitioners

Development of palliative care in general practitioners‘ offices.

We believe that GPs are the key to more accessible palliative care. Thanks to systematic and long-term sustainable support and development, their patients‘ last stages of life can be changed.

The goal of the program is to provide general practitioners with education and tools in the field of end-of-life care to improve its quality and accessibility.

History of palliative
care support

Centres of excellence
Fundraising academy for hospices
Pilot programmes in hospitals
Palliative care conference
Scholarship programme
Support in establishing the Palliative Care Centre
Hospital Palliative Care Implementation Guide

„The end of life in a home environment should be available to all. Even to those who have had to leave their original homes.“

Available services for independent living

Fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities to an independent life in the community.

Via increasing systematic pressure on relevant actors led by people with health disadvantages, their caregivers and committed professionals, we aim to create lasting positive changes regarding the availability of services. 


Introducing the community service & Academy

Homesharing gives families of children with a disability an opportunity to share the care and get some rest, while the carers get to spend their time in a meaningful way. 

After the pilot phase of introducing homesharing in two organizations and regions, the aim is to extend the concept of community care sharing to other regions and bring it to families of children with different kinds of disabilities. In addition to supporting field work, we strive for systemic anchoring of the service.

Accelerator of independence II

Independent living for young adults with disabilities

We aim to make the path for independence easier for young adults with disabilities and their families.

We support another 12 organizations in testing approaches leading to facilitating the independence of young adults with health disadvantages and in a joint discussion about barriers and systemic changes that would help the process of independence and their independent life.

History of support for families

Development of self-help parent groups and organizations
Leadership academy for early intervention
New community based services
Researching the needs of families of children with a disability
Advocacy academy


Educhange Foundation

Education for the 21st century

The education system should reflect the fast-changing world of today. Only then can the new generation be successful.

We have joined forces with other organizations and foundations to establish the Educhange Foundation, with the ambition to serve as a platform of representatives of the private, non-profit and state sector and support systemic change in education.

We also support

DOX Centre education programmes
One World documentary film festival
One World in Schools project
Otevřeno organization
Teach Live (Učitel naživo)
Teacher training by Konsent.

„We strive for a fair education system that will prepare students for the real challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.“

We are Abakus

The ‘abacus’ – an ancient counting tool and the first computer, symbolizes the quest for smart solutions available to all.

Avast. Baudiš. Kučera. Together.
Referring to the personal story of the Avast tech company founders Pavel Baudiš and Eduard Kučera, the Abakus acronym reflects their belief that strength lies in simplicity and cooperation.

Our corporate partner and main donor is Avast, a global leader in digital security and privacy protection.


Where next?